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Movie Review: The Swimmers

To be honest, I randomly stumbled across The Swimmers on Netflix this Saturday and had very little expectations for any sort of meanigful story. However, by the end of it, I had cried, laughed hysterically , and possibly had just watched the most eye-opening movie that was based on an incredible true story.

The movie begins with Sara and Yusra Mardini in Damacus, Syria durin the 2015 bombings. The sisters do their best to make their life as livesable as possible by partying and studying like any normal teens, but by ignoring shootings and attacks, they can't avoid the war. Yusra begs her parents to allow her to leave the infested country and to escape to Germany where she can continue training to be an Olympian swimmer. But her parents refuse the 16 year old because of the dangers that could happen.

After a while, the matter is dropped and they go about their lives with no change. Until one Saturday when Yursa is swimming in a meet, when suddenly a bomb hits the building, dropping a gernade into the pool with Yusra.

Sara's final ounce of patienece is gone, and decides that she and Yusra must try to escape Syria before they die waiting. Will they make it across the border? How will they cross the sea? Watch the movie to find out:


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